Aurora Interfaith Community Services (AICS) is a non-profit agency whose sole aim is to express Christian concern for our community by providing substantive emergency assistance to the residents of Aurora.
Goods, services, and monetary gifts are donated by local businesses, our church members, civic organizations and individuals. Government agencies and foundations also fund our organization. Services are offered at no cost to our clients. About 30 volunteers work weekly to assist staff members at AICS as they strive to serve Aurora residents in need. The dedicated volunteers and staff strive to be faithful stewards of all gifts entrusted to our work.
To express Christian concern by providing substantive emergency assistance to the residents of Aurora. The dedicated volunteers and staff strive to be faithful stewards of all gifts entrusted to our work. Services are offered at no cost to our clients.
AICS continues to strive to help as many needy Aurora residents with substantive emergency assistance as possible with available in kind and human resources. Forty volunteers work weekly at AICS.
AICS receives TEFAP government supplies and does not charge a fee to clients. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution, a 501(c)3 emergency relief agency, is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. AICS does not discriminate on the basis of any classification and this policy applies to all employees, contractors, and clients.